Saturday, October 24, 2015

Aule Metele (Arringatore)

Aule Metele (Arringatore)
Cortona, Italy    early 1st century BCE
life-size bronze statue
reflects Roman portrait style
Etruscan artist
Rome dominates all of Italy
Romes absorbs Etruscan art

Late Etruscan Sarcophagus

Top: Sarcophagus of Lars Pulena
Tarquinia, Italy
late 3rd/early 2nd century BCE
narrative of journey to after life
scroll displays achievements
Bottom: Sarcophagus of Ramtha Visnai & Arnth Tetnies    350-300BCE
Both: Hellenistic Etruria
stone found locally
somber expression
realistic-generic types not true portraits

Engraved bronze mirror

Chalchas examining a liver
400-375BCE  engraved bronze mirror   gifts for living & dead
artist: Novious Plautios
found w/ the Ficoroni Cista
cistae=cylindrical container for a woman's toiletry items

Porta Marzia gate wall

Porta Marzia, Perugia, Italy
2nd century BCE
1 of the gates (gate of Mars)in Perugia's walls
Etruscan adaptation of Greek motifs
fluted pilasters/engaged columns frame arches  central voussoir=keystone
trapezoidal stone voussoirs held by arcuated gateway

Capitoline Wolf

Capitoline Wolf
Rome, Italy    500-480BCE
Etruscan cast bronze statue
most memorable portrayal of an animal
characterization of an animal temperament
infants added during the 15th century

Tomb of the Triclinium, Tarquinia

Tomb of the Triclinium, Tarquinia
Etruscan figures similar to 6th century BCE Greek vases
"landscape"-trees/shrubs between figures & behind banqueting couches

Banditaccia Necropolis

Top: Tumuliin-Banditaccia necropolis
Cerveteri, Italy 7th-2nd centuries BCE
similar to Mycenaean tombs
tufa-dark local limestone
tumulus-great earthen mounds
extramural (outside walls)-houses of the 
Bottom: interior Tomb of the Shields & Chairs   550-500BCE
?terracotta statues of dead "sat" in chairs?
craved from bedrock
Both: rock-cut underground tombs
mirrored houses of living
several generations buried

Sarcophagus with Reclining Couple

Sarcophagus w/ reclining couple
Banditaccia necropolis, Cerveteri, Italy
520BCE  brightly painted terracotta
Archaic Etrusran sculpture found in tomb
4 separate cast/fired sections
only contains ashes of couple
husband and wife/banquet couch
focus on upper half of figures
Etruscan hallmarks-emphatic gestures

Apulu (Apollo of Veii)

Apulu (Apollo of Veii)
roof of the Portonaccio Temple, Veii, Italy
510-500BCE  painted terracotta
life-size Etruscan statue
vigorous motion/attention to detail
?Vulca-sculptor of statue?

Model of Etruscan Temple

model of a typical Etruscan Temple
6th century BCE
described by Vitruvius
some similarly to Greek temples
only part of building made of stone
stone gable-roof
smaller in size than Greek
widely spaced unfluted wood columns
found only in front
walls: sun-dried mud brick
deep porch occupying part of podium
narrow staircase @ center

Fibula with Orientalizing Lions

Fibula w/ Orientalizing lions
Regolini-Galassi Tomb
Sorbo necropolis, Cerveteri, Italy
650-640BCE  gold
fibula=clasp/safety pin jewelry
fastened a woman's gown @ shoulder
displayed newly acquired wealth
respousse/granulation:fusing tiny metal balls to a metal surface
fusion of: Egyptian, Mesopotamian
disk-Italic tradition

Italy in Etruscan Times

Italy in Etruscan times
Tuscany centered on Florence
heartland of Etruscans A.K.A. Rasenna
6th century BCE-controlled northern Italy
cities did not unite as a nation-Etruria
skilled seafarers=trade
early 1st century BCE-fusion of native/immigrant people

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Head of Odysseus

head of Odysseus early 1st century
owned by: Emperor Tiberius
Sperlonga, Italy
sculpted by: Athanadoros, Hagesandros, & Polydoros of Rhodes
party of mythological statuary
emotionally charged drama:
parted lips, shadows life-like detail Hellenistic baroque style

Parthenon, Acropolis

Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens, Greece
447-438BCE  marble building
centerpiece of Periclean
architects: Iktinos & Kallikrates
dedicated to Athena Parthenos
not true temple; no priestess/alter
Doric & Ionic elements: "perfect temple"
?statement:"Athens leader of all Greeks"?

Dying Gaul

Dying Gaul  Roman copy/bronze marble statue  230-220BCE
Altar of Zeus @ Pergamon: kingdom of Attalos II
death of Gallic trumpeter:
drama exaggerated, life-like details
Epigonos ?sculptor? 

Paionios of Ephesos

Paionios of Ephesos & Daphnis of Miletos
looking east aerial view
Temple of Apollo, Didyma, Turkeu
early Hellenistic started in 300BCE
5 centuries to build
dipteral(colonnade) in plan great scale
hypathral: roof open to sky
doorway to cella has stage for oracle to be announced

Youth Diving

Youth Diving cover slab of tomb
Temple del Prete Necropolis
Paestum, Italy   480-470BCE
fresco rare example:classical mural painting
trees resemble Niobid Krater
?symbolizes deceased's plunge into underworld? 


Caryatids of south porch Erechtheron
Acropolis, Athens, Greece
421-405BCE  most famous feature
plaster casts marble statues
Ionic columns replaced w/ caryatids:
sculpted female figure; architectural support
contrapposto stances flute like drapery

Erechtheion Acropolis looking northeast

Erechtheion Acropolis 
looking northeast  Athens,Greece
replaced Archaic Athena temple destroyed by Persians north of old temple remains
honored Athena contained wood image  multishrines
Erechtheus-king of Athens
historical mythological site
of contest of Athena & Poseidon

3 goddesses

3 goddesses(?Hestia, Dione,&Aphrodite?)
east pediment of Parthenon, Acropolis
Athens, Greece  438-432BCE
Phidias-overseer of the temple sculptural decoration mastered human anatomy, clothing
play light & shade ideal solution to Greek architect's perfect proportions

Phidias, Athena Parthenos "the virgin"

Phidias, Athena Parthenos "the virgin"
model of the lost chryselephantine (colossal gold/ivory) statue    438BCE
cella:inner room of a classical temple
Parthenon, Aeropolis, Athens, Greece
fully armed goddess w/ Nike (Victory)
winged female personification
centauromachy-battle centaurs/men
Amazonomachy-battle Greeks/Amazons
built Parthenon around statue

Polykleitos Doryphoros (Spear Bearer)

Polykleitos Doryphoros (Spear Bearer)
marble-copy of bronze;most copied
Roman from palaestra(gymnasium)
Pompeii, Italy
nude male model for athletes/warriors
"perfect statue"/human movement
harmonic proportions cross-balance
Pythagoras of Samos-philosopher
theoretical basis of art="alone of men is deemed to have rendered art itself"

Kritios Boy

Kritios Boy  the Acropolis
Athens, Greece 480BCE
marble statue ?artist:Kritios?
1st statue to show natural stance
(contrapposto) weight shift 
no longer frontal, or smile
separates Classical/Archaic Greek

Chariot race of Pelops & Oinomaos

Chariot race of Pelops & Oinomaos
east pediment, Temple of Zeus
Olympia, Greece  470-456BCE
marble statue
typical tragic story of Classical Greek era  actors on stage

Temple of Aphaia (Archaic Period)

Guillaume-Abel Blouet restored (1828)facade:Temple of Aphaia
500-490BCE  Aegina, Greece
Aegina & the Transition to the Classical Period
colorful Greek temples
composed figures/whole range of body postures

Single framed panel on vase

LEFT: Exekias(Athenian master painter)
amphora vase  540-530BCE
Etruscan Tomb, Vulci, Italy
single large framed panel
focal point=spears-dice
figures/imposing stature shape of vessel used to accent painting
RIGHT: Achilles killing Penthesilea: gravity/tension
characterize Classical Greek art abesnt in Archare art "calm before storm"

Francois signed vase

Francois vase(Athenian black-figure volute)
Krater 570BCE  Etrucan Tomb
Chiusi, Italy  inspired by costly metal prototypes
200 figures in 5 registers labels around
encyclopedia Greek mythology
Orientalizing animals/sphinxes on base

Peplos Kore

Peplios Kore (stylistic "sister") 530BCE
Acropolis, Athens, Greece  marble statue
votive offering women always clothed(peplos)
dresses as goddess: 4 different garments
soft female form compared to Kouroi
missing attribute within left hand

Kouros male youth

Kouros(male youth), 600BCE
Attica, Anavyos, Greece    marble 
liberated from stone  Egyptian pose
frontal V shape  represent motion
Daedalic style-triangular shape, flatness in face
votive offerings deities perfect bodies
nude/wears choke necklace 

Corinthian Invention Technique

Corinthian Greek vase "painting"
Rhodes, Greece  625-600BCE
black-figure amphora ceramic technique painting on pottery invented by Corinthian colors do not fade
slip-liquefied clay
oxidizing-turned pot & slip red
reducing-oxygen cut/pot turned black
reoxidizing-pot red/slip stayed black
Orient fascination-Orientalizing animals incised linear details
signatures:brand name

Geometric Period Krater

Geometric (period) Krater 740BCE
Dipylon Cemetery, Athens, Greece
typical angular motifs early Greek
horizontal bands, pattern around 
mourning procession honor dead
libations? drain for rain water?
skill/wealth/position achievement
"painting" on pottery

Friday, October 9, 2015

Timeline Paleolithic

40,000-20,000BCE       Early Paleolithic

  • 1st sculptures/paintings before written language
20,000-9000BCE           Later Paleolithic

  • Painters cover walls/ceilings with animals in strict profile
  • Sculptors carve nude women
9000-8000BCE              Mesolithic
  • Ice caps melt: humans migrate
8000-5000BCE              Early Neolithic
  • Settled communities
  • Agriculture
  • Stone walls built; Jericho fortified walls
  • Large-scale human figures on painted plaster (dry fresco)
  • Narrative paintings
  • Composite views w/human figures
5000-2300BCE              Later Neolithic
  • Megalithic passage graves/Stonehenge built
  • Stone temples-carved/rectinear


Paleolithic 40,000 BCE "old stone age" food gathering important era in art history 1st recorded events: painting/carving cave walls  strict profile

Neolithic 8000-5000BCE "new stone age"  food production revolution: 1st in Anatolia & Mesopotamia

Iconography Personifications

Statue of Liberty(U.S.A)
Iconography: gives viewers informed idea of time period & where art was made
Personifications: abstract ideas codified in human form
Lady Liberty-always portrayed as robed woman w/ rayed crown & holding torch
gives universal understanding of image

Shape & Form

Claude Lorrain (French) 1600-1682
Embarkation of the Queen of Sheba
oil on canvas 4'10"x 6'4"
biblical episode set in 17th century European harbor, why?
ancient roman ruin in left foreground
foreshortening-convergence of diagonal lines blurring of distant forms
path of point moving w/in space
illusion 3D on 2D

Question: Perspective

Why is the small boat in the foreground much larger than the sailing ship in the distance? perspective: decrease size of object appears father away
increase size of object appears closer
composition: organizes forms in art work; shapes on flat surface
arranging in space

Cultural Context

Cultural Context: same subject
left: John Henry Sylvester (Englishman)
watercolor 8 1/4"x 6' 1/4"
portrait of Te Pehi Kupe
right: Te Pehi Kupe (New Zealand)
self portrait
both: same subject 1826
reproduced Chieftain tattoo

Architectural Drawings

Beauvais Cathedral, France
rebuilt after 1284
Architectural Drawings
experience visully & moving through/around structure
Left: plan-maps of floors
structure's mass
Right: lateral section-vertical "slices"
across building's width/lenght

Substractive Process

Michelangelo Buonarroti (Italian)
1527-1528 marble 8'7 1/2"
Unfinished Statue
Substractive Process: carving a freestanding piece from stone/wood
reduction original block
"leave behind" the statue

Hierarchy of Scale

Altar to the Hand Benin,Nigeria
1735-1750 bronze 1'5 1/2"
Hierarchy of Scale: king
larger than other figures
show importance
proportion @ scale size of subjects
compared to other parts w/in work
disproportion focus attention on 


Peter Paul Rubens Lion Hunt
1617-1618 8'2"x 12'5"oil on canvas
Foreshortening: perspective
illusion of depth
appear 3D on 2D surface
bodies @ angles to picture plane

Personal Style

Georgia O'Keeffe(American)Jack-in-the-Pulpit
1930  oil on canvas 3'4"x 2'6"
Personal Style: organic forms abstract
close-up views petals and leaves
lines forms color


Compare styles 13th century
left: Choir of Beauvais Catherdral
Beauvais, France  looking east
towering stone vaults
large stained-glass windows
right: Santa Croce Church
Florence, Italy   looking east
low timber roof
small windows
both: pointed arches
Style- varies region to region

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Aerial View of Citadel

aerial view of Citadel, Tiryns, Greece
looking east  1400-1200BCE
hostile world for Mycenaens
protect king & families
easy to defend  narrow gates
entrance ramp weaken soldiers approaching
city "of the great walls"  
Cyclopean masonry
roughly cut stone blocks
later burned by invaders/internal warfare

Female Head

Mycenae, Greece
1300-1250BCE   6 1/2" high
painted plaster
female head-white flesh tone
fragment of life-size statue?
rare no large stone statues found
prehistoric Aegean
goddess? head of sphinx?
staring eyes  face paint? tattoos?